Terms and Conditions
These Terms and Conditions were created on January 10, 2025
Last updated on January 10, 2025 Version 1
Person responsible for these Terms and Conditions: Scott Hamilton.
These Terms and Conditions are a binding agreement between any entity utilizing scott-hamilton.com and any services that may be provided by Scott Hamilton.
"You" furthermore will also knows as "client", "customer", 'buyer", "payee" or "payor".
"Scott Hamilton" furthermore will also known as "I", "him", "he" "my" or just "Scott", also "scott-hamilton.com".
"Us" furthermore will also be known as "we", "ourselves" as you and Scott Hamilton.
Easy out
A marketing agent in nearly all fields of marketing must have a high level of trust from their clients. Also clients must have a high level of trust of their marketing agent. Therefore in order for us to commence in any business transaction we agree on one thing foremost. We are under no obligation to one another to conduct any business transactions of any type to or from you or I. Either one of us may cease any business agreement we have at anytime without legal action. If you or I stop an agreement, then both you and I are under no obligation to the other. This can permanently dismiss obligations on agreements. We indemnify ourselves from legal obligations to continue an agreement if you or I provide a statement in writing either by certified mail or a simple email or text message on any type of medium or device.
Each agreement between me and a client are exclusive to that client. This agreement gets signed once an understanding has been established and I draw up the agreement. The agreement between me and a client supersedes these Terms and Conditions. Since each client's situations differ from other clients, this needs to be done this way. Please read and understand your obligations in the agreement carefully before signing. In most agreements, I will have an easy out for each party involved that should negate any legal actions needing to take place. I am an understanding individual and my client's needs should be my needs also.
You will not hold Scott Hamilton liable for any damages caused by any agreements we made. Furthermore Scott Hamilton will not be the responsible party for any neglect of the client. Such as providing false information, misleading, or any other deceptive practice that would undermine Scott Hamilton's Services, reputation and ability to conduct business.
Simple Website
Scott offers simple websites at low cost to small businesses and those that either don't have the time or know how or both to put up a website. A website that can greatly enhance their business. The price is listed on the scott-hamilton.com website. As of 1/10/2025 the cost to you is $100 for a simple website. If you pay Scott for a simple website. You must also pay for a subscription for website maintenance for at least 1 year. After that you can cancel you subscription to the website maintenance, which as of 1/10/2025 is $5 a week. If you cancel your website maintenance subscription and you request for an adjustment to your website. Scott will fulfil your request only after you pay him the website maintenance one time fee of $100. As of 1/10/2025. Alternatively you could start another subscription for website maintenance and if you do it needs to be for at least a year.
Website maintenance - Level 1
This service is provided to clients with the purpose of having a web designer at their finger tips per say. They can text me changes they need made to their website and Scott will make these changes. The price for this service is mentioned above under Simple Website.
More than a simple website
For clients needing a little more than something simple. This can be discussed and agreed on upon request. Your cost for this is usually in the ball park of $500 per page and requires a website maintenance Level 2 subscription. Each client with this need will get a link emailed to them for payment instead of the cost page for their website.
Website maintenance - Level 2
This service is provided to clients with the purpose of having a web designer at their finger tips per say, just like above. They can text me changes they need made to their website and Scott will make these changes, just like above under Level 1. The price for this service is located on scott-hamiltonl.com/cost/. This level of maintenance is usually required when Scott needs to pay attention to it every day or on a regular basis that requires his attention a lot more often than a Level 1 maintenance subscription agreement.
You can cancel any website maintenance subscription at any time.
If you cancel your website maintenance subscription before one year of subscribing. No one will start calling you harassing you for money. Scott will simply not provide that service to you immediately after you cancel.
Not acting in good faith
In the event that a maintenance subscription is canceled in less than a years time and a client starts back up the maintenance subscription to request an adjustment to a website. Scott may or may not fulfil that request or provide the service of the maintenance subscription. Since an agreement was broken (one year subscription is required for this service, upon subscribing to website maintenance) In an event such as this. It is likely that Scott may stop all services provided to that client. Upon Scott stopping one agreement or all agreements. It is likely that he will write you a letter, either by certified mail, email or text, that may shed some light on how we came to the end of the agreement.
Thank you for taking the time to read these Terms and Conditions.
All business matters between you and I start with agreeing to these Terms and Conditions.
My contact information is
Scott Hamilton
438 N. Detroit St.
Kenton, Ohio 43326
(937) 441-1109 (call or text, I typically never answer my phone, so texting is preferred)