Welcome to my computer graphics page. I got hooked on computer graphics during the turn of the century while the scare was Y2K. Back then the fear was that computer systems might shut down or have errors that rendered the systems useless. While we depended on these systems for many things many of us believed that there was nothing to worry about. The fear derived from some of the original programming not incorporating a 4 digit year in the programming language of much software. It looks like we got past that
During this time I became familiar with computer graphics, 3 D animation, motion graphics and some programming and web coding such as C+, HTML, PHP and a few others. I even got a degree in this field. Although with today's advancements in technology and the internet speeding things up, I've largely forgotten a lot of the coding I used to know. With that being said. There's not much of a need for the ability to code unless you're a software engineer or you build websites, which I do build websites, but the need for getting in deep with the code is in the past and there are short cuts provided for a fee. The shortcuts really speed things up for web designers, but the fee is ridiculous .
I didn't have a logo for the longest time while learning computer graphics and the fundamentals of animations and software developed for creating motion graphics, such as Adobe After Effects, Cinema 4D and many others throughout the past couple or so decades of experience I've heaped up for myself. I came up with this logo in 2020. Don't get me wrong I've been making logos for a lot longer than that. there was Pitzer Photography back when cell phones didn't have the incredible cameras they do today. Among other logos, which I've made and even forgotten. Today I'm utilizing better systems to be able to keep my digital files intact through the changes life brings. So while I don't have all the work to show you from the turn of the century to now. I've been able to keep the past 5 to 10 years of some of my work. Some of it is dabbling into other areas of the computer graphics field and some of it more honed in on specific areas more so than others and some a combination of multiple areas in the computer graphics field.
Throughout the course of my journey with computer graphics I've struggled a bit with learning new software. I had to learn them all. I just had to. I was fascinated with the ability to create things with the use of computer programs such as 3D Studio Max, AutoCAD, Maya and more. While I've become versed at Cinema 4D and Adobe After Effects and the like. I'm not a master of all them. Myself like many others in this field have become disgusted with the subscription models that trap designers into paying for software forever. So designers have looked elsewhere for design software that lets their creative abilities get expressed for a lower price. For example Blender is a giant. Blender is software that is available to designer for free. There is no charge for the software and this software can do many things. While not as easy to learn or use as some of the other software available like Cinema 4D or 3D Studio Max and the like. Blender can go pretty far for the price which is $0.
Here are my logos for my various endeavors.
Hamilton's Woodcraft
Scott's Ads
Scott Hamilton
I love to dabble. While it's not entirely productive to just dabble. It sort of is productive, because it provides a way to learn, experience mistakes without the cost of losing clients or appearing to not know what your doing in front of others. Dabbling for me is something i do with my free time. whether it's computer graphics or woodshop. So, I thought I would display my dabblings
There's really not a lot to say about this image other than it's graphic appeal. I recall that I enjoyed the process for creating it very much and I was happy with the outcome. This is probably one of the first images I uploaded to Deviant Art. Which is a platform for digital artists to show their work. In some case sell their work. I personally haven't sold any work that I recall, unless you consider the graphics that go along with websites. I've built quite a few websites. Back to the subject, this image. It makes for a cool desktop background. That may be about it, well maybe a background for anything digital. Which brings me to my next point; Why.
While enjoying myself and posting something on Facebook I think it was. Someone asked me what's the point. What is the purpose of the graphics I was posting. I believe it was an animation specifically. That got me to thinking. I never thought about it before and it caught me off guard. I knew why I myself created these things, these Dabblings that I liked to post online. Although most of us probably don't understand why artists or designers share their work or understand the purpose behind it. For me it is shear joy to sit down and create something directly from my mind onto a screen that can then be shared by all. While most of the practice or dabblings I created are no masterpiece, they still are a piece of me that I share with all for them to do with it what they will, unless I'm selling something specific to a client. I realized that the person who asked me did not share the same sentiment that I did for the item shared, while it would have been more enjoyed by someone that shared the same sentiment, such as other artists for designers. The person that asked me why was an engineer and a good friend of mind. While he was a definitely a designer he surely was no artist, that I was ever aware of anyway.
Contact me for any requests. Most of my Computer Graphics services would be handled through my Marketing business< Although I would be more than happy to discuss anything you would like for me to do for you pertaining to computer graphics. Maybe you're a marketing agent yourself that needs to network and branch out gathering resources for times you don't have enough time or you might be working on a project and need a helping hand.